As a Risk Manager, you manage several dozen or even hundreds of international contracts on a daily basis. You need an overview that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. With our Vega extranet, we meet your expectations.
Vega, the extranet dedicated to your international insurance programs
Vega: access your insurance contracts in real time
Our Verspieren Global Access (VEGA) extranet is the central tool of our Verspieren International network. This site allows you to manage your international programs very easily and in a completely secure manner.
The subsidiaries of Verspieren abroad and the partners of Verspieren International include all your information: data by country, by subsidiary, by branch of insurance, etc. Our teams check this information and provide information on all French insurance contracts. So you can view all of your insurance policies and contracts in a single tool.
Vega: simplify the management of your international insurance programs

With Vega, you have access to a library classifying the desired documents, according to your needs and at various levels:
- insurance policies,
- endorsements,
- reportings,
- invoices,
- certificates,
- meeting minutes,
- guidelines.
The system archives information year by year to facilitate your research. On a daily basis and depending on the requests you receive, you can thus check at any time that your company or your subsidiaries are insured for a particular risk in accordance with local regulations.
Vega: a secure tool that adapts to your organization
Vega adapts to all organizations. You are in control of its use and can control the access of your employees. For optimal security, Vega is accessible thanks to a login and password specific to each user. You thus ensure a fluidity of exchanges between your teams, the brokers of the network and the Verspieren teams and you ensure maximum security of your data.